Frequently Asked Questions

  • A. Our operating hours are 7:30am-5:00pm. Monday through Friday year round, closed on major holidays and staff training days.

  • A. Tuition rates range from $720-$1,600 monthly.

  • A. Yes, we offer part time care starting at a minimum of 2 days per week.

  • A. Fees are based on enrollment, not attendance. No fee adjustments or refunds will be made for sickness, missed days or for personal and statutory holidays.

  • A. We accept children starting at 12 months until 5 years old and not attending kindergarten.

  • A. We encourage children to develop self-care skills, including independent toilet use. Preschoolers don't need to be fully potty trained, but active training at home is encouraged. Children in the process of potty training at daycare should have pull-ups and wet wipes. We support and facilitate potty training; inform your child's teachers for encouragement.

  • A. We do not provide snacks or meals. Parents are responsible to provide all food for their children.

  • A. Currently, we do not accept subsidy, but we are working to do so in the near future.